Anyone can fundraise for AMIS. We are more than happy to support and work with anyone or group who wish to fundraise for us where possible. All you need is a good idea, enthusiasm and drive then you have a great charity to fundraise for (that’s where we come in)!
Another way to help us is to link in with events such as the Kiltwalk where this year the organisers will put an extra 25% on whatever finding individuals or groups raise for their chosen Charity.
Buying a ticket for the Edinburgh Community Lottery when sponsoring AMIS gives us 50% of ticket sales for each supporter.
Signing up with easyfundraising is another great way to donate to AMIS whilst you shop. Click on the link for further details.
It is easy to set-up a fundraising page on our peoplesfundraising.com. You can email friends a link to your page so they can contribute. It’s an easy way to tell your friends, family and colleagues about what you’re doing – especially if you use social media to spread the word.
You can use the following numbers to donate: