Emotional abuse can be very subtle and it can happen over a long period of time, making it difficult to notice. People who are emotionally abusive can also, at times, show great affection. These people can use occasional moments of love and affection to maintain control. It gives you hope that they are capable of change or getting better. This is both controlled and controlling. It serves a purpose – keeping you embroiled in their web of abuse. This pattern of behaviour can be a crime under the new Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018.
Does your partner:
Do you:
These are just a few examples of emotional abuse. How you experience emotional abuse will be personal to you. Your partner should be the person you trust most in the world. They are the person you share all your secrets and vulnerabilities with, and the person who knows everything about you. An abusive partner will use this knowledge in a negative way to exploit you.