Domestic abuse (also called partner or dating abuse) is a continuing pattern of abusive, or controlling coercive behaviour. This can include the use of intimidation and isolation, threatening, degrading, and/or violent behaviour. There are different types of domestic abuse.
Domestic abuse is common and can happen to anyone regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ethnic origin, dis/ability . It is possible to experience multiple different types of abuse and it is not limited to face to face contact. It can also take place online, on social media or over the phone.
The cycle of abuse is the idea that abuse can continue to happen over time and often the person being abused will forgive the abuser. This is a very unhealthy cycle to be in. It usually means that both people in the relationship are unhappy and change is required to improve the situation.
According to the Scottish Crime & Justice Survey 2014/15:
Safelives Data Collection Study (2012) found that of the young people experiencing domestic abuse;
You don’t have to be another one of those statistics. If you are concerned that you may be in an abusive relationship, please talk to a trusted adult or friend who can help you.