Our national helpline is open on weekdays from 9am to 4pm. You can call us on 03300 949 395.
Calls are welcome from concerned friends and family too. We also accept calls from professionals working with men who are experiencing or recovering from domestic abuse. Calls are free from UK landlines, UK mobiles and BT payphones. This number will not appear on phone bills.
We have a legal obligation to process information fairly and lawfully and to share with you the reasons why we collect this data. This means we must be transparent about how we process information and only use it in a way that benefits and safeguards our callers.
We have a confidentiality statement that callers will hear when calling the helpline.
This privacy notice tells you about how we use, store and share any personal data that you might give us. If you have any questions about this information please contact us (0131 447 7449 or email).
We run a private and confidential service. This means that whatever you say stays between you and us.
We would only need to say or do something if:
We will only tell someone if we feel that it is necessary to do so, and when we can, we will seek to talk to you about this first – giving you as much control as possible. We understand the sort of situation you might be experiencing, and we are here to listen to and support you. We will keep a short record of your call on our system so that we can process information from all the calls we receive to help us provide an informed support service. We hold this information securely in a database and keep these records for 6 years.
We may share information with our funders about the types of calls that we receive but would not share any information that might identify you. This supports us to access funds to keep the helpline open.
We also gather statistical information to produce reports on the nature of calls we receive. This information is always anonymised. You do not have to give us your name. If you do, we will record this securely on our database. You may prefer to use a pseudonym or be recorded as ‘anonymous’.
Note: our ‘privacy policy‘ explains what information this website collects.
Public holidays, festive holidays and religious events may affect our opening hours.