AMIS is committed to delivering a high-quality, accessible service. As part of this commitment, we have a complaints procedure.
We are keen to hear from anyone who believes we have fallen short of the standards we set ourselves. You can provide this feedback in different ways:
We will acknowledge and respond within 10 working days of receiving it. We expect to be able to resolve most complaints within that timeframe, but if we need to conduct a more in-depth investigation, we will aim to provide you with a full response within 20 working days. If we are unable to meet that deadline due to exceptional circumstances, we will let you know why and when you can expect a response.
If you are not happy with the decision you receive, you will be given the opportunity to raise the issue with the Chairperson who will investigate and respond, normally within 20 working days. The response from the Chairperson will be final.
If your complaint is about our fundraising activities and we are unable to resolve it to your satisfaction through the process above, you can make a complaint through Scottish Fundraising Complaints by:
Our current complaints policy can be accessed here.